
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Episode 17 - The British International Bowhunters & Cold Soaked Oats
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
In this episode, I look back at the weekend meet up held by The British International Bowhunters in Norfolk and try a breakfast recommended to me by Simon Thomas https://www.instagram.com/ramblingarcher/ I seem to use the word amazing a stupid amount of times in this episode so the weekend was obviously amazing.

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
In this episode my Bear Kuma has made it across the Atlantic to The Archery Shack in South Carolina for repair, I've got some arrows fletched with the 2.25" Bohning X3 vanes and after listening to a podcast from The Art of Manliness I discover why we over eat in an attempt to keep my weight loss on track after a week of struggling with my food intake.

Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
After a fairly quiet week for me I hit a weight loss goal and take the time to thank those who have supported my efforts so far and talk about the Go Fund Me page started by the guys at The Wobbly Arrow Podcast for Heath McDonald of Young Guns Archery to assist in his ongoing battle with cancer. This is the link to the page - https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-heath039s-fight-with-cancer

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
In this episode I talk about some new vanes that I'm going to try out, adding to my exercise routine and how an awful rookie mistake led to disaster for me.

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Episode 5 - The Kit That I Shoot
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
In this episode I take you through the kit that I've shot and what I'm using now. I have to apologise for a little bit of distortion in the audio in some places. I tried changing the input levels and it led to a bit of clipping in places. Rest assured that the input levels will be restored to their original levels for Episode 6.

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Episode 13 - A Present From America
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
In this episode I get a present from a listener and friend in the States, I've shot some more 300 rounds and I've switched releases plus the usual waffle and bletherings that I seem to do.

Monday Jul 20, 2020
Episode 11 - Discipline Require
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
In this episode I look back at a week where I lacked self discipline more than usual, particularly in relation to exercise and look at methods of assisting to develop more self discipline. Additionally, I will be taking out a paid subscription to Podbean so that all episodes of the podcast will be available on here. The current missing episodes are too large a file size to upload on the free plan.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Episode 6 - Progress So Far, The Ups And Downs
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
In this episode I look at the progress that I'm making on my journey, The high points, the low points and recognising that one bad day doesn't mean that it's quitting time.

Saturday May 16, 2020
Episode 4 - Breaking Down My Shot Cycle
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
In this episode, after my thoughts on the Mybo Trueshot bag target that I purchased, I look at my shot process, how it's developed, how it can break down and what I do to maintain control of it. Yes, I do come across as a Joel Turner fanboy at times.

Friday May 01, 2020
Episode 3 - Technical Glitches, Discipline & Routine
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
In this episode I discuss a technical glitch which has stopped me shooting in the short term and my relationship with discipline & routine.